New deposit-scale structural geology workshop
Mining companies will discover benefits such as
- Applying my practical methods, the exploration geologists from Sukari Gold mine, a Centamin operation, discovered 130,000 ounces of gold ...
About The
Founder is owned by Dr Jun Cowan, an internationally recognised authority on applied deposit-scale structural geology and the innovative creator behind the popular Leapfrog software.
A New Way
of Structural Geological Analysis...
Many geologists and academics lack the skills to interpret 3D grade distributions controlled by structural geology. This is concerning as the knowledge of structural control of mineral deposits can make or break a mine. Our proposed solution is a workshop that teaches geologists of any speciality and experience how to interpret drilled grade data...
Blogs on Deposit-scale Structural Geology
The fundamental reason why your geological models may be completely wrong
Here are some reasons why we may get our geological models and understanding completely wrong.
Has Leapfrog Answered this Critic with the Latest Geo Release?
Is the new Leapfrog Geo 4 now as good as Leapfrog Mining?
If Richard Feynman was a Geologist…
Physicist Richard Feynman was famous for working from ‘first principles’. This is how I think Feynman would have approached exploration problems.
Stanislav Ulrich
Principal Structural Geologist
I strongly believe that combination of all scale structural and geophysical data with the Leapfrog visualization and modelling of ore shoot is currently the most powerful way for an understanding of mineralization as well as for a discovery of new…
Simon Lawson
Managing Director at Spartan Resources Ltd
The following is a statement I made in reference to professional authenticity on social media. Jun is a great example of an authentic, honest and forthright scientist. A man who analyses, solves and publishes his thoughts, whether on social media,…
Vladimir Benes
Chief Executive Officer CAML X
Jun’s skills as a geological modeler were utilized on Northland’ cluster of gold and base metal deposits in Sweden. The objective for this study was to better understand the metallogeny of these deposits and provide advice regarding exploration upside. Jun…
Cam McCuaig
Head of Geoscience Excellence at BHP Resource Centre of Excellence
I supervised Jun at SRK from 1999 to 2003, and subsequently worked closely with him during his employment with Zaparo (JV company between SRK and ARANZ to build Leapfrog). Jun has made significant contributions to the Minerals Geoscience profession in…
Brent Laws
Exploration Manager, Taruga Minerals
Recently I had the privilege of getting Jun Cowan’s input into a project. It was refreshing how quickly Jun saw the key structural influences. Although there are plenty of structural components Jun’s analysis allowed certain aspects likely to be influencing…
Peter Williams
Former MD, SRK Australia
I worked with Jun through the development of Leapfrog. His insight and vision provided the guiding principles for development of the fast, powerful and simple to use engine for the application of structural geology of advanced 3D analysis and visualisation….
Jarrad Price
GM Geology at Capricorn Metals Ltd
We hired Jun to provide Leapfrog training for several staff members. Whilst we had a liscence to use the program and could run it, we couldn’t use it effectively. Jun took us through it’s capabilities on day one, and then…
Nick Lisowiec
Formerly Principal Geologist, Resolute Mining
Jun Cowan is the expert in 3D geological modelling using Leapfrog software. His knowledge of the software combined with his understanding of structural geology and ore deposits, allows him to create meaningful geological models that seem realistic. His training is…
Brett Davis
Structural Geology Consultant, Olinda Gold
I have worked with Jun several times previously and he is a guru with Leapfrog, having helped develop the program and continues to provide input into ongoing development. Although Jun and I do not always agree, his analysis and observations…
Nick Franey
Mineral Exploration Management Consultant
“Leapfrog is not a black box solution to ore deposit modelling. But, driven correctly and with sufficient field data to control interpretation, it can be a very useful tool to help resolve complex 3-D geological problems. Jun Cowan at Orefind…
Robert Mannoh
Geological Consultant
I appreciate very much the effort you put in training us (Newmont Ghana Exploration Geologists) on not how to use the Leapfrog software alone, but the insight into testing integrated geological ideas intelligently with the software. It was phenomenal and…
Mike O’Brien
Formerly Manager: Mineral Resources & Mine Geology, Anglo Gold Ashanti
Jun has a superb Structural Geology background, which gives him great insight in developing three dimensional solutions for Geological and Mineral Resource models. As a member of the original team that initially developed the tool, he has a superb knowledge…
Ron Uken
Principal Consultant at SRK Consulting
Jun’s Leapfrog training course was brilliant! Not only is Jun an excellent teacher his structural geology background illustrates leapfrog as a powerful structural geology tool. From simple datasets that teach you the basics you quickly develop the confidence to interrogate…
Ian Neilson
Structural Geologist - R.P. GEO
Jun is the only other 3D structural geologist I have met who is able to bridge the gap between the on-ground data capture and integration of multiple data sets and demonstrating this effectively in the 3D environment. As a service…
Richard Bray
Formerly Resource Geologist, Resolute Mining
A work colleague and I recently spent two very interesting days with Jun Cowan from Orefind discovering things about our own drilling data. It is both rewarding and almost mandatory to get professional advice at the beginning. What we had…
Faisal Sayeed
Senior Geologist, QP SGS Canada
For most of us who have been in the industry for more than 10 years, and strictly speaking, we, who almost always adhere to conventions, never venturing far from familiarity and comfort of Status-Quo….once in a while will come across…