Empower Your Geology Team To Become Structural Experts

A powerful new method of structural analysis, that increases interpretation accuracy and confidence


New deposit-scale structural geology workshop

Mining companies will discover benefits such as

  • Applying my practical methods, the exploration geologists from Sukari Gold mine, a Centamin operation, discovered 130,000 ounces of gold ...
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About The
Founder is owned by Dr Jun Cowan, an internationally recognised authority on applied deposit-scale structural geology and the innovative creator behind the popular Leapfrog software.

A New Way

of Structural Geological Analysis...

Many geologists and academics lack the skills to interpret 3D grade distributions controlled by structural geology. This is concerning as the knowledge of structural control of mineral deposits can make or break a mine. Our proposed solution is a workshop that teaches geologists of any speciality and experience how to interpret drilled grade data...

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Articles on Deposit-scale Structural Geology

Applying my practical methods, the exploration geologists from Sukari Gold mine, a Centamin operation, discovered 130,000 ounces of gold in their underground exploration program in 2022

The recent dramatic (nearly an order of magnitude) resource downgrade of a high-profile deposit has sparked lively discussions amongst geology professionals

A powerful new method of structural analysis that can be conducted entirely from drill hole sampled grade data (Cowan 2022). It is a quantitative method of summarising mineral deposits as structural data, using analysis from a single column of grade data
